A Change ~ Anchored In Him2007 New Years Page


As the challenges of 2006 come to an end for us, I would like to talk to you about the challenges and goals or resolutions that you may have set for 2007.
If you remember for the statistics of our page from last year we added a link to as how many people are dying and going straight to hell. My friend the only one that can change that is you and your relationship with Jesus Christ. This requires what is known as a behavior change and an attitude adjustment. A tough decision, but one that you will never regret ! ! This decision for one to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior means the loss of what they know as current "friends" and to give up the old habits and vices. So my friends it is a simple decision for all of us and that is to have that personal yes, personal relationship with Jesus Christ or continue down the wide road to hell...
God has been good to us here at Anchored In Him. We like others have had trials and tribulations, but He never promised it would be easy, just worth it.
As you look at the main graphic when you entered this page one of the things that none of can avoid is death. The grim reaper of death and father time are always present and the hands of time do not turn back. So my friend as you listen to I Have Decided To Follow Jesus, I as many others have made this decision to follow Him and spend eternity with Him. The question is simple, are you or have you changed your behaviors and attitude? 
Jesus paid the price for you and I my friend, don't turn your back on Him none of us are promised tomorrow. Many weep at our altars because of a loved one that is on the fast track to hell, I leave you with this challenge in 2007, don't give up, continue to pray for them, God answers prayer in His time. You know they may just decide to change their behaviors and attitudes and follow Jesus.

Please remember our Armed Forces and their families in prayer as well as our great nation. A year of challenges lie ahead for both!
We at Anchored In Him would like to wish you and yours Happy and Blessed New Year. See you in church.

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Start the New Year off committed to church every Sunday and to lead one to Christ as their personal Savior ! ! !

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I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
Billy Graham
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