Remember The Brave - Anchored In Him

Let us not forget during the holidays
to say a prayer for the military,
and to remember their dear families
while honorably serving for the USA.
Gathering to celebrate this Christmas
may we remember and appreciate
the brave men and women of service
keep them in your prayers each day. 
Father, guard them in their daily walk 
give them the strength to go on
as they strive to further freedom
 while on this duty's commission.
Fill their lives with love and warmth 
though from home they're far away.
Lifting them up to our dear Lord
asking for strength to face every day.
In the spirit of Christmas love
continue to remember the brave.
Respect and honor the courageous
uniformed citizens of the United States.

A special thanks to Malta for use of
her poetry © Dec 2008. God bless you
my Sister-In-Christ. 

Heavenly Father as I come humbly
to you in prayer, forgive me where
I have failed you. As we enter the
most joyous time of the year many
of our brave men and women are
separated from the families and 
loved ones. We ask that you protect
and watch over them. May their
leaders come to you on humble
knees in prayer prior to battle.
Place your Armor around them, 
guide them and lead them in battle. 
Reassure the families as only you 
can while they are separated during 
this special time of the year. 
Father those that have paid the 
ultimate sacrifice as your Son did
provide them with the peace and
understanding that passes all time.
May the Comforter be with them.
Lord be with our nation, we ask that
our leaders come to you humbly on
bowed knees for guidance and
leadership. We pray that those that
do not know you as their Lord and
Savior would accept the greatest
gift ever given to mankind, the gift
of salvation that your Son Jesus gave
to us. We ask all these thing in 
Jesus holy name.

I will never leave you or forsake you - - Hebrews 13:5

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I'll Be Home For Christmas
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