Anchored In Him ~ Washed In His Blood

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Perhaps you are wondering what I am talking about. Just what exactly is this being washed in His blood anyway? What is it to be "washed in the blood of the Lamb"?

In the Old Testament, lambs were often sacrificed as commanded by God in the Holy Bible. God required this shedding of the blood of lambs as a sacrifice for covering of sin.

Although the blood of a lamb could cover sin, such blood could never actually take sin away. A lamb is not a man. Only a man could die for a man. Only a sinless man could die for a sinful man.

Jesus was sent to live as a man on the Earth. He was sent to die on a cross and shed His blood there on that cross. His death on the cross was God's answer to man's sin problem. Jesus was both God and man. Jesus was sinless, and so Jesus could die for sinful people, for people just like you and I. The blood of Jesus was shed on the cross to take away your sins.

Perhaps you do not think of yourself as a "sinner". After all, you are not as bad as "those people". Sure, you can always find someone who is a 'worse' sinner than yourself. This is not the point. The point is that, because you have sinned, you are a sinner. A murderer is still a murderer even if only one murder was committed. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

The fact is that we have committed many, many sins and not just one sin. We have lied. We have stolen things that belonged to someone else. We have loved money more than God. We have had lust in our heart, hate in our heart, and many other sins in our heart as well.

God sees our heart. Therefore, God knows that we are very much a sinner. God has written down all of our sins in His books in Heaven. Our sins will all be read out to us one day at the Last Judgment. You will then be cast into Hell as punishment for those sins. "For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23)

You must have your sins washed in His blood, in the blood of Jesus, or else you will go to hell when you die. Jesus rose from the grave after His death and then ascended up into Heaven.; His blood can cover your sins, the sins of yours which God wrote down in His books. With the blood of Jesus covering our sins, God will never again see our sins and you will not have to go to hell. Instead, you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

If you have not yet had your sins washed in His blood, then you have repent of your sins to God to cover your sins, to remove your sins from a Righteous and Holy God. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away your sins. Trust Jesus to wash away your sins. Trust in Jesus Christ today, accept Him as your personal Savior.  

Become a member of a New Testament Bible-believing and preaching church, preferably an Independent Baptist or Southern Baptist that preaches God's Holy Word from the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Do it this week, none of us are promised tomorrow!

When God forgives, He removes the sin and restores the soul . . .

Are You Washed In The Blood
The Kendalls
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