We Must Trust In God ~ Anchored In Him

In God we still trust, because it's a must
This country is falling away
So ungodly the acts and distorted facts
But it is man who is going to pay.

They sent God from the schools,
said He broke man's rules
And His commandments they also destroyed
Drugs were removed, but hugs were reproved
And a child's ability to love was destroyed

When the emotions God gave,
to love and NOT hate
Were taken away from a child
Now they're punished for hugging,
but not for drugging
No wonder the children are wild.

In God we still trust, because it's a must
We know there is only one way
We can't stand alone, and live on our own
Because someday, we're going to pay

In God we still trust, because it's a must
Read your bible and trust in it's worth.
Restore God in school and live by His rule
This was the reason for His blessed birth

So in God we WILL trust, because it's a must
And He will hold us in the palm of His hand
He will take us by the hand,
and lead us through His land
And we'll join in His Angel band . . .

Used with permission © 1 Jan 2008
A special thanks to Jene Lind
God bless you my Sister-In-Christ.
You may contact Jene by email to thank
her for sharing her talents.

Without faith there is no hope, without God you have neither . . .





Grandpa Jones
Our Fathers Had Religion
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