Daddy I'm Waiting ~ Anchored In Him ~ Christmas 2010

Daddy, you said you would not be home
At Christmas time this year
But your presents are all wrapped
And waiting for you here

Mommy said I'd see you Christmas
But only on a TV
Look Daddy! Below the Christmas tree
That little boy is ME.

See I'm smiling for you, Dad
And wanting you to know
I will have a good Christmas time
I'll have some Christmas snow

But if Santa brings me a sled to ride
I'll wait till you come home
'Cause, Daddy, you're the bravest one
And I won't ride alone 

I'll share my sled with you, 
Promise I will keep it clean and nice
Don't want to mess it up
Sledding on the ice

I can't wait till you come home
From that war so far away
I'll guard your little presents we made
Till we can have your Christmas Day

I have a little calendar
I'm marking off the days
I'm waiting for you Daddy,
Cause you'll be home in May!

Used With Permission © 24 Dec 2010
A special thanks to Jene Linderman
God Bless you My Sister-In-Christ. Jene wrote this
poem for her family, her son-in-law is deployed. You may
contact Jene by email to thank her for sharing her talents. 

Many members of our Armed Forces and their families are separated by the miles, but not by love ! ! ! Thank you for your selfless service to our great nation . . .

Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over and protect our Armed Forces.  Be with them and their families during this special time of the year, comfort them during their separation as only you can.  Let us as a nation be grateful for their service and sacrifices. Father bless them and our great nation as only you can. We ask all this in Jesus holy name.







Josh Groban
I'll Be Home For Christmas
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