The Invitation - Anchored In Him





I gave my life for you, my precious blood was shed, 
That you might be saved and raised from the dead.
I gave my life for you, what have you given to Me?
I gave my life for you, so that you could be truly free.

My Father’s house of lights, my glorious throne, 
I left for lonely nights, wondering on earth all alone.
I left it all for you, what have you left for Me? 
Will you give up this world to live with Me eternally?

I suffered much for you, more than anyone can tell,
Suffered from the bitterest agony to rescue you from hell. 
I suffered much for you, so I could give you salvation, 
I suffered much for you, will you accept My invitation? 

Author Unknown 

He died for us on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven, have you accepted Him as your personal savior ? ? ?

Near The Cross
Smoky Mountain Hymns
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